Thursday, January 2, 2020

How to pass International English Exams with flying colours?

Helpful tips to clear English language testing exams

If you wish to secure a seat at your dream university abroad, the first requirement is to pass the International English examination. As English is considered as the global language and is used as a language of communication in most big countries. Therefore, if you wish to study abroad, or dreams of having a career in the UK, US, Canada and Australia etc. You must clear English proficiency test with flying colours.

Read below tips on how to get English language certificate, brought to you by GETS- Global English Testing Services-

l  Proper strategy- Know you aim, like how much you need to score and when you have your English language assessment test. So that you know how much preparation time you have.

l  Study Material- we are living in a technologically advanced world. Now-a-days study material is available online, as study apps, e-books, and online practice papers etc. for English assessment test.

l  Build your own vocabulary bank- learn new words, and write down these words. As writing down make your brain retain the information for a longer duration. Try using these words in daily conversation, so that you are comfortable with the new words. This one brings you one step closer to nailing the English proficiency exam.

l  Challenge your listening abilities- listen to the podcast and develop the habit of listening. As in general, most people listen to respond, thus resulting in poor listening abilities. Therefore, to ace the English listening test, English movies and T.V series without subtitles and radio programs are a great help.

So be confident, and give your best. The first step is to see dreams and the next step is to conquer those dreams.

GETS- go beyond!

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